News / Live Demo Product For Surveillance Services
25 February 2017

News Description :
PURPOSE is Provide information on the specifications, to meet our client Requirement and Expectation, Narcon Technical Team with Airbuss DS Optronic Team create Live Demo event on client site with Radar Spexer 2000 and Z:Nightowl M product.
The objective of this activity is the Batam Customs Office and the Customs Office Teluk Nibung radar instrument can see immediately Spexer 2000 and camera Z:Nightowl M, in addition to be able to see how to install and can figure out how to operate.
Radar Spexer 2000 can be installed properly in the tower Dit.Jen Coastal Radar Station. Customs & Excise Batam, mobilization and setting the radar equipment running well, live demo radar operation witnessed by Kasie Sarpras and Customs Patrol Captain Batam Batam Customs went smoothly. Not found a suitable location for a live demo held radar Spexer 2000 or camera Nightowl M in Teluk Nibung as follows:
1. The lack of space in the building and the Office of Customs and Excise Service Type Madya C Teluk Nibung.
2. Plan the transfer of live demo site to the building where the Customs confiscated Teluk Nibung not allow spec building and safety.
3. Pier Teluk Nibung can not be used as a live demo for a very high level of vulnerability to the location.
CONCLUSION radar Spexer 2000 and effective M Nightowl camera placed on top of the tower Dit.Jen Coastal Radar Station. Customs & Excise Batam. Tower strategic position facing directly into the border areas of Indonesia - Singapore is very supportive for border control activities of the possibilities of smuggling of goods.
Radar Spexer 2000 can detect the movement of objects on land, sea and air. Excellence Spexer 2000 can detect an object equipped with the direction and velocity of the object, and can distinguish whether the object is in a position apart or together on the radar.
Integration between Radar Spexer 2000 and the camera Nightowl M is very effective for monitoring the activities of ports and borders, radar has the ability to detect objects is widely supported by the camera Nightowl M that can detect objects in the afternoon and evening with the enlargement of the visual to the maximum will greatly assist the Customs Excise throughout Indonesia technically.
If you need more information about Spexer 2000, please visit Here and you can download the brochure Here
for sales and marketing information please contact : [email protected]